

Hello, My name is Paul and I am from the UK , I was born and still live in Blackburn, Lancashire in the north of England, I am Fifty Eight years old and I have been a chef for over 40 years cooking in various establishments such as Restaurants and Public Houses in and around the East Lancashire area. In my spare time I like to write, watch Television and films as well as listening to music ,surfing the net, using social media and taking & editing photographs and this is my website to show my Favourite hobby which is Photography as well as a blog to post my opinions on and to be “my space on the internet” I will be posting more photographs of various subjects including Landscapes ,flowers, nature and various other subjects. I like to take a lot of photos when I can and I use various cameras/camera phones my two main cameras are a Canon EOS 1300d and a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ100 , the former is a entry level DSLR and the latter is a Advanced Compact Camera Review of Panasonic DMC-TZ100 Review of Canon EOS 1300d both are very good cameras , the canon is very flexible due to removable lenses and the panasonic is very handy just to have in your pocket when out and about. I also use my smartphone a lot as its always on hand over the last six years I have been using a (now in tech terms a very old) apple 6s Plus which was a very good phone/camera when it came out , but is now starting to show its age and hopefully I will be replacing it soon , but it still take very good photos, Review of iPhone 6s Plus camera 

Hope you enjoy my photography and the website 

Thanks Paul 

(March 2022)


if you wish to get in touch with me for any reason or just to say hi here is a  Contact Form

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The Privacy and Cookie policies and the Terms & Conditions of Paul Derek Brown's Photography (paulderekbrown.com)  are available for anyone to read at the foot of this website, also there is the privacy policy of Format (format.com) this websites host.

paulderekbrown.com , November 2022.

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